Lodge Woodhall St. Johns No. 305

Welcome to the 'new' website of Lodge Woodhall St. Johns No. 305 on the roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. 

We are in the process of transferring the contents of the 'old' website to this new website. Please bear with us whilst this transition takes place.

This website is a living entity and will be added to, and updated, on a regular basis. Please visit back regularly to view any updates.


Dates for your diary - March 2025

Mon 3rd           Enquiry Committee Meeting 8.00p.m.


Tue 4th             Robert Burns Royal Arch Chapter No.143


Wed 5th           Lily of the Valley Conclave No.4 - A.G.M.


Fri 7th              Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward

                         Installation of Office - Bearers

                         Lodge Cambuslang Royal Arch No.114   7.00 p.m.


                         Bro. Ian McGown D/M will be presented with his P.P.G.S.W. Regalia and Jewel.

                         R.W.M. Bro. Allan Jamieson will be presented with his Honorary Grand Rank Jewel.

                         All M.M's in good standing can attend.


Wed 12th              Murdostoun Preceptory                               


Thur 13th         Regular Meeting -                


                         Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning No.7

                         Ballot on that Evening


Thur 27th       Regular Meeting -                


                        Lodge Livingstone St. Andrew No.573


 Fri 28th               Lodge St. Enoch No.1288

                       Regular Meeting 7.30 p.m.